About The Our Heart for Singapore Learning Gallery
Our Heart for Singapore is a non-profit organization dedicated to connecting generations, bridging the intergeneration gap, and fostering stronger connections between our young and youth, and their Pioneer and Merdeka Generations elders in Singapore.
Our year-long activities, culminate into a Gift to Singapore around the yearly National Day Celebrations, have provided unique opportunities for the young and youth to engage in meaningful conversations and activities with their elders, and fostered a deeper understanding of Singapore’s rich cultural heritage, values, and national identity. Since 2020, the ground-up heartland events and activities, involved every town and estate in Singapore, and have helped to create a sense of belonging and unity, and promote shared values of compassion, respect, and intergenerational appreciation, amongst Singaporeans.
News Feature
Tamil Murasu(Print): சிங்கப்பூருக்காக 67,140 சிங்கப்பூரர்களின் பிறந்தநாள் பரிசு

Zaobao(Print):学生用文字与画纪录长辈故事 为国家献祝福

Mediacorp Channel 8 News(Online): 逾6万名国人以画作文字 提前为我国献上祝福
Tamil Murasu(Online): சிங்கப்பூருக்காக 67,140 சிங்கப்பூரர்களின் பிறந்தநாள் பரிசு
Zaobao (Print): 近8万学生记录长辈生活点滴 作画写作为国庆生

Straits Times(Print): Students celebrate family ties in exhibition marking National Day

Tamil Murasu(Print): 90,000க்கும் மேற்பட்ட தேசிய தின வாழ்த்துகளைக் கொண்டுள்ள கலைப் படைப்புகள்

Zaobao(online): 国家美术馆推出“万众一心”学习展 逾9万学生采访长辈拼凑家园故事
Seithi(online): 90,000க்கும் மேற்பட்ட தேசிய தின வாழ்த்துகளைக் கொண்டுள்ள கலைப் படைப்புகள்
Straits Times(Online): Students’ artwork on display at exhibition to mark National Day
NDP 2021(Online): NDP Gives Back: Our Heart for Singapore

Straits Times(Print): Feature

Zaobao(online): 近7万名学生撰文绘画说出长辈故事 为新加坡庆生
Zaobao(online): 近8万学生记录长辈生活点滴 作画写作为国庆生
Mediacorp Channel 8 News(Online): 近八万名国人为国庆写祝语 “万众一心”展览反思过去展望未来
Mediacorp Channel 8 News(Online): 9万多人献祝语迎国庆 以数码地图方式呈现
Zaobao(Print): 国家美术馆推出“万众一心”学习展 逾9万学生采访长辈拼凑家园故事

Straits Times(Online): 180 students’ artwork inspired by family ties on display at National Gallery as part of National Day celebrations
Mediacorp Channel 8 News(Online): 5万5000名学生为国家准备特别礼物 献上祝语
Zaobao(Print): 时间囊封存国家祝语

Straits Times(Online): 55,000 pledges for Singapore’s 55th birthday
Zaobao(online): 时间囊封存国家祝语
Straits Times(Print): Feature

Straits Times(Print): 55,000 pledges for Singapore’s 55th birthday

Bridge(Print): Words of Gratitude